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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Proud to be a runt

Good evening, 

I was perusing this article in the New York Times the other day, which basically states that "expert" human beings have figured out that low birth weight is a predictor of future health problems. That small babies don't do as well, basically. 

Now, as you all know, I'm a dog (and from Brooklyn!) but I'm here to say that I am a RUNT! I was half the size of my siblings and I have led a fantastically healthy life. It's true that I've recently had some issues but considering they are my first at human age 98, that's not so bad. I remember being squished way at the top of my momma, because my brother and sister were already out and I was still somewhere in uterus, swimming, finally having the space to stretch out a little. 

I don't want to trivialize serious issues and I realize humans have lots of serious problems to deal with, like pollution and how big their apartments are, but I just wanted to give a shout out to all us runts and little ones. We have personalities too! 

Years ago in NY, there used to a runt party once a month in a club nearby. It was awesome. 

Also, thanks to the reader who sent this pic in! I wish more humans did things like this more often. 

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