Miss Knowitall (female owner) decided to get a job outside of the house (why? why Lord, why?) which means she takes her computer with every day. That leaves only Mr. Techie (male owner) at home and he's always using his computer so it's basically impossible for me to even log in, let alone write a whole post.
I do love the iPad but it's hard for a dog to use. Serious question: how do you hold it and type at the same time? I tried once when my owner was in the bathroom and this is what I got: F;lje;rjor4i
Anyway, I've been feeling left out of everything lately. I know my owner is upset that she has to be away from me all day long too. Not only has she told me several times while crying all over my face but I've heard her discuss it with my other owner. I know she tries her best and pays the cleaning lady to take me out on walks, but seriously it all just makes me feel like I'm being abandoned again.
Yeah, that's right. First my father abandoned us and then my mother went and died, God bless her. What am I supposed to do? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Also, why won't humans allow dogs at work? What's up with that?
I'm from Brooklyn!
I've been getting into classic cars lately (no computer, so I look at books). This is a '62 Bel Air. Ain't she a beaut?
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