A few days I woke up from an afternoon nap to find a small puddle right next to me.
Great, I thought. Now they're dropping stuff on me and not even bothering to clean up. How could I not have woken up by the spill anyway??? I must be sleeping more deeply than I thought.
A few days later, it happened again. This time my owner made a big fuss about it and so I knew she hadn't spilled anything.
And finally, today, not only did it happen again but I overheard my humans talking on the night walk and... I've been peeing myself. "Incontinence" it's called. Apparently, I have the kind that only happens when I'm sleep and not in control of myself. It's not a lot of pee, but enough that it needs to be cleaned up.
I'm so embarrassed. I just hope the solution isn't doggie diapers because I don't think I could handle Redford (the Golden Retriever from the 11th floor) seeing me like that.
What next? Dentures?!?! I'm from Brooklyn!